

iZeno was founded in 2003 to provide enterprises with best-in-class technology solutions they need to keep their business running seamlessly. With a team of 85+ in-house innovators, we have delivered over 500  Enterprise Solutions, implemented and optimized to enable smarter insights.

Our team draws on industry experiences in accomplishing a portfolio of mission-critical applications, integrating DevOps, ITSM, Cloud, CRM & CX, and other leading technologies with our clients’ existing IT frameworks.

With a leading presence in the region, headquartered in Singapore and operations in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, no project is too complex for us, and our team is always ready for new challenges.

We are also the proud recipients of Atlassian Partner of the Year 2019: Rising Star APAC award and Atlassian Partner of the Year 2020: Emerging Markets for the outstanding contribution and achievements.

Offices -

Singapore office -
Phone Number - +65 6100 2788
Email address - [email protected]
Address - Izeno Pte. Ltd. 351, Braddell Road #04-02 Singapore 579713

Malaysia office -
Phone Number - +603 78903678
Email address - [email protected]
Address - Izeno Sdn Bhd Unit #29-8, Q Sentral. No. 2A Jalan Stesen Sentral 2 Kuala Lumpur 50470, Malaysia

Indonesia office -
Phone number - +62 21 2960 8211
Email address - [email protected]
Address - Pt. Izeno Teknologi Indonesia, Level 29, Centennial Tower, Jalan. Jend. Gatot Subroto No 27, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12950

Philippines office -
Phone number - +63 79170270 | +63 79170271 Fax
Email address - [email protected]
Address - Izeno Inc, UB 111 Paseo de Roxas Building, Legazpi Village, Makati City,1229 Metro Manila,Philippines

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