Exalate Price Change for Jira (April 2022)

Published: Feb 18, 2022 | Last updated: Oct 22, 2024

Exalate Price Change for Jira (April 2022)

Published: Feb 18, 2022 | Last updated: Oct 22, 2024

Exalate price change for Jira

Exalate Price Change for Jira (April 2022)

Published: Feb 18, 2022 | Last updated: Oct 22, 2024

Table of Contents

To continue servicing our customers better and to meet our ambitious roadmap, we are making large investments in R&D this year. We also want to ensure the security and maintenance of our apps are optimized.

So as of April 4, 2022, we are increasing our pricing for Jira Server and Jira Data Center imparticular for all user tiers. But on the flip side, we decided to revise some discrepancies our users brought to our attention in cloud pricing. Which actually leads to a decrease in our pricing for the highest tiers of Jira Cloud.

What does it mean for you?

  • The current pricing will apply to quotes and purchases made before April 4, 2022.
  • Once the pricing change goes into effect on April 4, new customers will pay updated prices immediately
  • The new prices also apply to renewals after April 4, 2022. If you decide to renew before this date, the current pricing is retained. That includes Server maintenance renewals as well. 

Exalate Pricing Change for Jira Data Center (Yearly Subscription)

Jira cloud pricing

Exalate Pricing Change for Jira Server 

The prices below apply to new Server sales. Maintenance renewal prices are at 50% of the new price.

Jira on-premise pricing

Exalate Pricing Change for Jira Cloud (Annual Billing – 1 Year)

Prices listed for Cloud are based on annual billing

Jira cloud pricing - annual

Atlassian Cloud Security Participant 

As an Atlassian’s Bug Bounty Program participant, Exalate will continue to prioritize the app security and to get ahead of vulnerabilities and security issues. 

It’s always been our primary mission to improve the user experience, so we’ll be focusing more on our reliability as we invest in the Cloud features.

And the Other Supported Issue Trackers?  

Exalate is a Jira app that enables you to set up a flexible Jira integration, correct. 

But it also supports a two-way sync between multiple issue trackers like ServiceNow, Salesforce, Azure DevOps, Zendesk, GitHub (including GitHub Enterprise Cloud, and more. (Check out this page). 

The Exalate pricing for those tools will not be changing at the moment. 

If you want to see how Exalate can be tailored for your specific use case, book a demo with one of our experts.

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